TH_IS Special|Celebrating Tower Hamlets
If we don't tell our story, someone else will
TH_IS is a campaign to celebrate and promote Tower Hamlets.
It was borne out of conversations with people who live and work in the borough. They wanted to celebrate an amazing place and were frustrated about misconceptions.
TH_IS is a chance for anyone to tell their Tower Hamlets story – a unique place mixing some of the best of London’s history, cultural attractions and economic opportunities, with one of the most diverse communities anywhere in the world.
Tower Hamlets generates the third highest economic output in the UK; has some of London’s best parks and destinations; a community built on the traditional east end and immigration through the London docks, and a rich history from the Tower of London and streets of Whitechapel to the suffragette movement and fighting fascism in Cable Street.
But Tower Hamlets is also full of hidden gems and TH_IS is a chance to share, learn and explore them. In doing so, we can bring people together, boost civic pride, help promote the borough as a place to visit, learn and work, as well as attract new talent, opportunities and investment.
You told us that history, parks, culture and going out were the best things about Tower Hamlets. You also said it was a great place to work and you were proud of its diverse community.
We have used this to create our four main themes — history, culture, community, and opportunity.
Now, it's over to you to tell those stories. Read our narratives for inspiration, use our toolkit and tell us why you think TH_IS special.
Note: TH_is was devised and funded by the Tower Hamlets Partnership to improve services and outcomes for our residents through the Tower Hamlets Local Plan.